2019年8月13日 星期二

Chia-Ching, your top recommendation is...

There's an angry divisive tension in the air that threatens to make modern politics impossible. Elizabeth Lesser explores the two sides of human nature within us (call them "the mystic" and "the warrior") that can be harnessed to elevate the way we treat each other. She shares a simple way to begin real dialogue -- by going to lunch with someone who doesn't agree with you, and asking them three questions to find out what's really in their hearts.
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Hi Chia-Ching,
Here's an idea we think you'll appreciate. Take "the Other" to lunch by Elizabeth Lesser was recommended by Gail Rock:
This talk really helped my learning-disabled high school students learn to listen to the "others" in their lives. I loved the opportunity to help them understand what it takes to get to know people different than themselves.
Gail Rock, Teacher - High school special education and social studies
This idea has been viewed 1,408,218 times, and translated into 30 languages.
It was recommended to you because of your interest in Communication. (Pro tip: you can adjust your interests any time you like, or see all your past recommendations in your dashboard.)
What did you think?
An idea from TED by How we need to remake the internet
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Parting thought
“If you're expecting the people who built [airport security] to protect you from the coming robopocalypse, you may want to have a backup plan.”
Marc Goodman, Global Security Futurist, from Marc Goodman: A vision of crimes in the future
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