2015年1月31日 星期六

Direct brain-to-brain communication: How it works

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This week on TED.com
January 31, 2015

Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it

18:57 minutes · Filmed Oct 2014 · Posted Jan 2015 · TEDGlobal 2014

You may remember neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis — he built the brain-controlled exoskeleton that allowed a paralyzed man to kick the first ball of the 2014 World Cup. What's he working on now? Building ways for two minds (rats and monkeys, for now) to send messages brain to brain. Watch to the end for an experiment that, as he says, will go to "the limit of your imagination."

Playlist of the week

11 must-see TED Talks (11 talks)

What is TED? This primer of 11 classic TED Talks show you the wide range of topics covered -- and introduce you to beloved speakers like Amy Cuddy, Brené Brown, Sir Ken Robinson and Chimamanda Adichie. Find your next favorite talk ... Watch »

Total run time 3:19:26

More from TED.com

Bassam Tariq is a blogger, a filmmaker, and a halal butcher -- but one thread unites his work: His joy in the diversity, the humanness of our individual experiences. In this charming talk, he shares clips from his film "These Birds Walk" and images from his tour of 30 mosques in 30 days -- and reminds us to consider the beautiful complexity within us all. Watch »

Severine Autesserre studies the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is in the middle of the deadliest conflict since World War II; it's been called "the largest ongoing humanitarian crisis in the world.” The conflict seems hopelessly, unsolvably large. But her insight from decades of listening and engaging: The conflicts are often locally based. And instead of focusing on big-picture solutions, leaders might be better served solving local crises before they ignite. Watch »

Khadija Gbla grew up caught between two definitions of what it means to be an “empowered woman.” While her Sierra Leonean mother thought that circumsizing her was the ultimate form of empowerment, her culture as a teenager in Australia told her that what happened to her was called “female genital mutilation.” In a candid and funny talk, she shares what it was like to make her way in a “clitoris-centric society,” and how she works to make sure other women don’t have to figure this out. (Warning: This talk contains hard-to-hear details.) Watch »

Morgana Bailey has been hiding her true self for 16 years. In a brave talk, she utters four words that might not seem like a big deal to some, but to her have been paralyzing. Why speak up? Because she’s realized that her silence has personal, professional and societal consequences. In front of an audience of her co-workers, she reflects on what it means to fear the judgment of others, and how it makes us judge ourselves. Watch »

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A powerful work of art inspired by Spider-Man (!) ... proverbs, mottoes and maxims from history's masters of one-liners ... and a long, wonderful read to dive into this weekend: Want to be happy? Slow down. 
  This is a very good talk that basically opens discussion about the crisis of the general management within the UN system. The UN system simply is unable to think locally -- not only in the solving of armed conflict but as well in poverty reduction and other social and economic issues. The UN is not able to see the trees because of the forest (administrative burden of local UN officers, global paradigms, global agendas, donors agendas etc. ...) leading to the focus on internal UN mission issues rather to quality problem-solving in the field."

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2015年1月24日 星期六

Jaw-dropping developments in micro-robotics

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This week on TED.com
January 24, 2015

Sarah Bergbreiter: Micro-robots, the size of a grain of rice

06:06 minutes · Filmed Nov 2014 · Posted Jan 2015 · TEDYouth 2014

By studying the movement and bodies of insects such as ants, Sarah Bergbreiter and her team build incredibly robust, super teeny, mechanical versions of creepy crawlies … and then they add rockets. See their jaw-dropping developments in micro-robotics, and hear about three ways we might use these little helpers in the future.

Playlist of the week

Grow your own stuff (7 talks)

You've heard of 'do it yourself,' but what about 'grow it yourself?' Enjoy these quirky talks full of possibilities. Watch »

Total run time 51:11

More from TED.com

What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matthieu Ricard, a happiness researcher and a Buddhist monk, altruism is also a great lens for making decisions, both for the short and long term, in work and in life. Watch »

“It’s said that to be a poet, you have to go to hell and back.” Cristina Domenech teaches writing at an Argentinian prison, and she tells the moving story of helping incarcerated people express themselves, understand themselves — and glory in the freedom of language. Watch for a powerful reading from one of her students, an inmate, in front of an audience of 10,000. In Spanish with subtitles. Watch »

In rural India, the lack of toilets creates a big, stinking problem. It leads to poor quality water, one of the leading causes of disease in India, and has a disproportionately negative effect on women. Joe Madiath introduces a program to help villagers help themselves, by building clean, protected water and sanitation systems and requiring everyone in the village to collaborate -- with significant benefits that ripple across health, education and even government. Watch »

Morgana Bailey has been hiding her true self for 16 years. In a brave talk, she utters four words that might not seem like a big deal to some, but to her have been paralyzing. Why speak up? Because she’s realized that her silence has personal, professional and societal consequences. In front of an audience of her co-workers, she reflects on what it means to fear the judgment of others, and how it makes us judge ourselves. Watch »

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Want to be happy? Slow down, says monk Matthieu Ricard ... 16 imaginary objects from the future ... and a reading list on modern design from Facebook's user-experience master.

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Thank you Mr. Ricard for a wonderful talk!

This is exactly the cultural/social evolution that we as a species needs if we want any quality of life 100 years from now. Currently our technology is advancing at an incredible rate, which is allowing for amazing science breakthroughs, but also allowing us to destroy our planet faster and kill and control larger populations easier.

"Any tool can be used to build or destroy". As we develop and manufacture more drones and more efficient computers, it is up to us to determine if they will be used to cultivate and grow food for the hungry, or wage war on each other and take the lives of the innocent. Standing by and ignoring this, will not make it go away. Only by being aware and challenging the status quo will we ever be able to make it go away.

The altruistic approach may not be perfect, but it opens a desperately needed dialogue. We need to start using these incredible tools we have to further this conversation and find a system that will work, soon, or we risk losing everything."

keeping secrets

Who should get to keep secrets, and who should demand to know them? TED speakers talk about the damage secrets can do, and the shifting roles we play when we keep, or share them on the TED Radio Hour »



2015年1月17日 星期六

Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits

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This week on TED.com
January 17, 2015

Navi Radjou: Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits

16:25 minutes · Filmed Oct 2014 · Posted Jan 2015 · TEDGlobal 2014

Navi Radjou studies "jugaad," also known as frugal innovation, pioneered by people in emerging markets who create new inventions and new ideas despite very limited resources. And the practice has caught on globally. Sharing a wealth of examples of human ingenuity at work, Radjou lays out three principles for how we can all do more with less.

Playlist of the week

5 talks on the truth about lying

We're lied to 10 to 200 times a day, and tell a lie ourselves an average of 1 to 2 times in the same period. These talks will help you understand why — and will make you better at sussing out the truth. Watch »

Total run time 1:17:52

More from TED.com

"Save the rainforest” is an environmental slogan as old as time — but Tasso Azevedo catches us up on how the fight is actually going these days. Spurred by the jaw-dropping losses of the 1990s, new laws (and transparent data) are helping slow the rate of deforestation in Brazil. Is it enough? Not yet. He has five ideas about what we should do next. And he asks if the lessons learned in Brazil could be applied to an even bigger problem: global climate change. Watch »

“It’s said that to be a poet, you have to go to hell and back.” Cristina Domenech teaches writing at an Argentinian prison, and she tells the moving story of helping incarcerated people express themselves, understand themselves — and glory in the freedom of language. Watch for a powerful reading from one of her students, an inmate, in front of an audience of 10,000. In Spanish with subtitles. Watch »

Worldwide, violence is on the decline, but in the crowded cities of the global south — cities like Aleppo, Bamako and Caracas — violence is actually accelerating, fueled by the drug trade, mass unemployment and civil unrest. Security researcher Robert Muggah turns our attention toward these “fragile cities,” super-fast-growing places where infrastructure is weak and government often ineffective. He shows us the four big risks we face, and offers a way to change course. Watch »

2041 will be a big year for the last truly pristine place on Earth: Antarctica. That year will mark the end of a 50-year agreement to keep Antarctica free of mining, drilling and other exploitation by the world's nations and corporations. Explorer Robert Swan — the first person to walk both the North and South Poles — is on a mission to ensure that we extend that treaty. With passion, he pleads with us to help preserve the Antarctic -- for our own survival. Watch »

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We talk with the director of Selma about the real Martin Luther King Jr. ... the smart, passionate case to build power grids in Africa ... and an unmissable poem from the future: "The Transhumanist's Lament."  

Quote of the Week

I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing — you're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other."

Amanda Palmer
Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

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  "When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. For art establishes the basic human truth which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment."
John F. Kennedy


What does it mean to be courageous? TED speakers examine what it takes to risk everything to do the right thing -- on the TED Radio Hour »