2018年11月27日 星期二

Chia-Ching, your recommendation for Nov 27th is...

Speaking up is hard to do, even when you know you should. Learn how to assert yourself, navigate tricky social situations and expand your personal power with sage guidance from social psychologist Adam Galinsky.
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A recommendation for you
Here's an idea you might love. How to speak up for yourself by Adam Galinsky was recommended for you by Karen Jones. Here's what they had to say about this idea:
This was entertaining, informative and useful. I feel as though I can improve my ability to speak up for myself using the simple tools clearly and concisely presented here. Adam Galinksy is on point, and uses stirring personal anecdotes. He keeps the listener engaged with his spirit.
Karen Jones
This idea has been viewed 5,097,454 times, and translated into 30 languages.

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That's it for now, Chia-Ching. We hope you enjoy TED Recommends. If you have any questions, hit reply and we'll be in touch.

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