2018年9月9日 星期日

A love letter to realism in a time of grief

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This week on TED.com
September 9, 2018

Mark Pollock and Simone George: A love letter to realism in a time of grief

19:22 minutes · Filmed Apr 2018 · Posted Sep 2018 · TED2018

When faced with life's toughest circumstances, how should we respond: as an optimist, a realist or something else? In an unforgettable talk, explorer Mark Pollock and human rights lawyer Simone George explore the tension between acceptance and hope in times of grief -- and share the groundbreaking work they're undertaking to cure paralysis.

Playlist of the week

Practice makes perfect (9 talks)

These talks drive home the many different ways to get better at what you care about. Watch »

Total run time 1:57:39

This week's new TED Talks

In 2012, the state of Colorado legalized cannabis, part of what has fast become a multibillion-dollar global industry for all things weed-related, from vape pens to brownies and beyond. But to say that we've legalized marijuana is subtly misleading -- what we've really done is commercialized THC, says activist Ben Cort, and that's led to products that are unnaturally potent. In an eye-opening talk, Cort examines the often unseen impacts of the commercial cannabis industry -- and calls on us to question those who are getting rich off it. Watch »

Human trafficking doesn't just happen late at night on street corners in the shady part of town -- it also happens online, in the middle of the workday, using company equipment and resources. With this problem comes an opportunity, says attorney Nikki Clifton, because it means that the business community is in a unique position to educate and mobilize their employees to fight sex trafficking. In an honest talk, Clifton outlines how businesses can help, from setting clear policies to hiring survivors. Watch »

When we talk about greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide gets the most attention -- but methane, which leaks unseen from pipes and wells, has a far greater immediate impact on global warming. Environmentalist Fred Krupp has an idea to fix the problem: launch a satellite that tracks global methane emissions, and share the data it collects. Learn more about how simple fixes to cut down on this invisible pollutant can help us put the brakes on climate change. (This plan is one of the first ideas from The Audacious Project, TED's new initiative to inspire global change.) Watch »

Geneticist Steve McCarroll wants to make an atlas of all the cells in the human body so that we can understand in precise detail how specific genes work, especially in the brain. In this fascinating talk, he shares his team's progress -- including their invention of "Drop-seq," a technology that allows scientists to analyze individual cells at a scale that was never before possible -- and describes how this research could lead to new ways of treating mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

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Kick the beige habit! Learn how vivid colors give you energy 

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A bold idea from historian Yuval Harari

Quote of the Week

When we can no longer change our circumstances, we are challenged to change ourselves."

Mark Pollock and Simone George
A love letter to realism in a time of grief

TED Radio hour: Dying well

Is there a way to talk about death candidly, without fear ... and even with humor? How can we best prepare for it with those we love? This hour, TED speakers explore the beauty of life ... and death. Listen on NPR, Apple Podcasts or the TED Android app.




