2017年11月11日 星期六

How we can end sexual harassment at work

Gretchen Carlson tells her story -- and maybe yours. Open in browser
This week on TED.com
November 11, 2017

Gretchen Carlson: How we can end sexual harassment at work

14:44 minutes · Filmed Nov 2017 · Posted Nov 2017 · TEDWomen 2017

When Gretchen Carlson spoke out about her experience of workplace sexual harassment, it inspired women everywhere to take their power back. In a remarkable, fierce talk, she tells her story -- and identifies three specific things we can all do to create safer places to work. "We will no longer be underestimated, intimidated or set back," Carlson says. "We will stand up and speak up and have our voices heard. We will be the women we were meant to be."

Playlist of the week

Deep studies of humanity

Fascinating talks about what it means to be human and live a good life. Watch »

3 TED Talks • Total run time 36:38

This week's new TED Talks

From the glorious crested guinea fowl to the adulterous African jacana to vultures that can pick a zebra carcass clean in 30 minutes, Washington Wachira wants you to get to know the marvelous species of birds that share the planet with us. If you're not already a fan of earth's feathermakers, you will be after you watch this delightful talk. Watch »

Megafires, individual fires that burn more than 100,000 acres, are on the rise in the western United States. What steps can we take to avoid further destruction? Forest ecologist Paul Hessburg confronts some tough truths about wildfires and shares how to help restore the natural balance of the landscape. Watch »

In 2015, the biologist Ameenah Gurib-Fakim became the president of Mauritius. In a wide-ranging conversation at TEDGlobal, she shares the extremely surprising beginnings of her political career, and talks about how to mix science and politics (and faith) to create growth for the people of her country. Watch »

Sometimes trying your best, doing 99 percent of the job, just isn't enough -- and sometimes it is downright dangerous. In this talk full of relatable ideas and examples, Jon Bowers, who runs a training facility for professional drivers, takes on today's self-help culture of "good enough" and shows why we should aim for perfection in everything we do. Watch »

With amazing maps that show the vast movements of people into cities and across borders, Robert Muggah shares an ancient (and new) idea: cities shouldn't just be the center of our economics -- they should be the foundation of our political lives. As he suggests in this fascinating, fact-filled talk: "Cities are where the future happens first. They're open, creative, dynamic, democratic, cosmopolitan, sexy -- and they're the perfect antidote to reactionary nationalism." Watch »

In halls of justice around the world, how can we ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect? A pioneering judge in New Jersey, Victoria Pratt shares her principles of "procedural justice" -- four simple, thoughtful steps that redefined the business of her courtroom in Newark, changing lives along the way. "When the court behaves differently, naturally people respond differently," Pratt says. "We want people to enter our halls of justice ... and know that justice will be served there." Watch »

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Quote of the Week

Perfectionism is an attitude developed in the small things and then applied to the larger job. If you can't get the little things right, you're going to fail when it counts -- and when you're driving a car, it counts. A car traveling at 55 miles an hour covers the length of an American football field in just under four and a half seconds, which just so happens to be the same amount of time it takes the average person to check a text message."

Jon Bowers
We should aim for perfection -- and stop fearing failure


Art can evoke powerful feelings. But can it do more? This hour, TED speakers share ideas on the transformative nature of art and its ability to shape the way we see ourselves and the world around us. Listen now on Apple Podcasts or in the TED Android app -- or wherever you get your podcasts.




