2017年4月22日 星期六

How to build a sacred space

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This week on TED.com
April 22, 2017

Siamak Hariri: How do you build a sacred space?

12:46 minutes · Filmed Mar 2017 · Posted Apr 2017 · TEDNYC

To design the Bahá'í Temple of South America, architect Siamak Hariri focused on illumination -- from the temple's form, which captures the movement of the sun throughout the day, to the iridescent, luminous stone and glass used to construct it. Join Hariri for a journey through the creative process, as he explores what makes for a sacred experience in a secular world.

Playlist of the week

Jaw-dropping science breakthroughs

Revolutionary achievements, important discoveries and astounding leaps of progress. Watch »

9 TED Talks • Total run time 2:03:19

This week's new TED Talks

Our universe is strange, wonderful and vast, says astronomer Natasha Hurley-Walker. A spaceship can't carry you into its depths (yet) -- but a radio telescope can. In this mesmerizing talk, Hurley-Walker shows how she probes the mysteries of the universe using special technology that reveals light spectrums we can't see. Watch »

When Amy Green's young son was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor, she made up a bedtime story for his siblings to teach them about cancer. What resulted was a video game, "That Dragon, Cancer," which takes players on a journey they can't win. In this beautiful talk about coping with loss, Green brings joy and play to tragedy. "We made a game that's hard to play," she says, "because the hardest moments of our lives change us more than any goal we could ever accomplish." Watch »

Physician David Casarett was tired of hearing hype and half-truths around medical marijuana, so he put on his skeptic's hat and investigated on his own. He comes back with a fascinating report on what we know and what we don't -- and what mainstream medicine could learn from the modern medical marijuana dispensary. Watch »

Financial literacy isn't a skill -- it's a lifestyle. Take it from Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll. As an incarcerated individual, Caroll knows the power of a dollar. While in prison, he taught himself how to read and trade stocks, and now he shares a simple, powerful message: we all need to be more savvy with our money. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Tech: The new cool war -- fought with code >>
Imagine a world where the best algorithm can defeat the biggest army ...

Gallery: Catch up with neighborhood painters Haas&Hahn >>
Using bold paint and pattern to transform communities

Politics: How anonymous companies undermine national security >>
What happens when taxpayer money goes to companies with secrets 

We humans: How to push past your biggest anxieties and act >>
"What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do" 

Quote of the Week

Why study the ancient past? Because it gives us perspective and humility."

Kenneth Lacovara
Hunting for dinosaurs showed me our place in the universe

The Digital Industrial Revolution

As machine learning surpasses human intelligence, where does that leave us humans? Join TED speakers who explore ideas about the promising -- and daunting -- future of human-robot collaboration. Listen to the new TED Radio Hour on iTunes »




