2017年1月14日 星期六

There's a better way to talk about love

Catch up on TED Talks from this week. January 14, 2017
This week on TED.com

Mandy Len Catron: A better way to talk about love

15:17 minutes · Filmed Nov 2015 · Posted Jan 2017 · TEDxSFU

In love, we fall. We're struck, we're crushed, we swoon. We burn with passion. Love makes us crazy and makes us sick. Our hearts ache, and then they break. Talking about love in this way fundamentally shapes how we experience it, says writer Mandy Len Catron. In this talk for anyone who's ever felt crazy in love, Catron highlights a different metaphor for love that may help us find more joy -- and less suffering -- in it.

Playlist of the week

Talks for the hopeless romantic

Who doesn't love love? A collection of 8 talks for those who can't get enough of it. Watch »

8 TED Talks • Total run time 1:51:25

This week's TED Talks

Dan Bricklin changed the world forever when he codeveloped VisiCalc, the first electronic spreadsheet and grandfather of programs you probably use every day like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Join the software engineer and computing legend as he explores the tangled web of first jobs, daydreams and homework problems that led to his transformational invention. Watch »

Every year the silicon computer chip shrinks in size by half and doubles in power, enabling our devices to become more mobile and accessible. But what happens when our chips can't get any smaller? George Tulevski researches the unseen and untapped world of nanomaterials. Could they hold the secret to the next generation of computing? Watch »

Stories are necessary to tell, but they're not as magical as they seem, says writer Sisonke Msimang. In this funny and thoughtful talk, Msimang questions our emphasis on storytelling and spotlights the decline of facts. During a critical time when listening has been confused for action, Msimang asks us to switch off our phones, step away from our screens and step out into the real world. Watch »

Nature is wonderfully abundant, diverse and mysterious -- but biological research today tends to focus on only seven species, including rats, chickens, fruit flies and us, says biologist Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado. In this visually captivating talk, Alvarado calls on us to interrogate the unknown and shows us the remarkable discoveries that surface when we do. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Money: Would universal income save the world? Maybe. But why not try these three (slightly easier) options first >>
The idea of universal basic income (UBI) is so hot right now! But it might not be the only, or the best, way to create more opportunity for all

Culture: The two kinds of stories we tell about ourselves >>
And how to rewrite your narrative to live with more meaning and purpose

Quote of the Week

The history of life on this planet is a history of rule breakers. Life started on the face of this planet as single-cell organisms, swimming for millions of years in the ocean, until one of those creatures decided, 'I'm going to do things differently today; today I would like to invent something called multicellularity.' And I'm sure it wasn't a popular decision at the time -- but somehow, it managed to do it. Then, land masses began to emerge from the surface of the oceans, and another creature thought, 'Hey, that looks like a really nice piece of real estate. I'd like to move there.' 'Are you crazy? Nothing can live out of water.' But life found a way. Once on land, they may have looked up into the sky and said, 'It would be nice to go to the clouds, I'm going to fly.' 'You can't break the law of gravity, there's no way you can fly.' And yet, nature has invented -- multiple and independent times -- ways to fly."

Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado
To solve old problems, study new species

TED RADIO HOUR: networks

Networks surround and sustain us, in nature, in our bodies, in relationships, in the digital world. This week, TED speakers explore how we rely on networks -- and how we have the power to shape them. Listen to the latest TED Radio Hour on iTunes »




