2016年7月31日 星期日

Talks for lifelong learners

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This week on TED.com
July 31, 2016

Ben Dunlap: The lifelong learner

19:08 minutes · Filmed Mar 2007 · Posted Jan 2008 · TED2007

A master storyteller, college president Ben Dunlap tells the story of his student Sandor Teszler, a Holocaust survivor who taught him a deep lesson about passionate living and lifelong learning.

Playlist of the week

The importance of play

Take a recess and learn about the benefits of connecting with your inner child. Watch »

8 TED Talks • Total run time 1:56:26

More great TED Talks about lifelong learning

Some of us learn best in the classroom, and some of us ... well, we don't. But there are many more ways to keep learning! In this charming, personal talk, author John Green (he wrote The Fault in Our Stars) invites you to the smart, funny, diverse community of learning that he found on YouTube. Watch »

Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can increase our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. She describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it … or have you just not solved it yet? A great introduction to this influential field. Watch »

Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin talks about the lessons we can learn from studying past American presidents, including Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson ... and what we can learn, too, from the great American pastime: baseball. Watch »

What do you do when your firmly held beliefs turn out not to be true? When Casey Gerald's religion failed him, he searched for something new to believe in -- in business, in government, in philanthropy. In this moving talk, Gerald urges us all to question our beliefs, learn all we can ... and embrace uncertainty. Watch »

Read more (a lot more!) on ideas.ted.com

Browse these TED Talks-inspired reading lists, if you're looking for your next book:

Books to help you answer big questions about yourself ...

Simon Sinek chooses books that explore the question: What makes a great leader?

Lie-spotter Pam Meyer shares 17 books with the truth about lying ...

Activist Shaka Senghor shares inspiring books for the hardest times ...

Shawn Achor's book list reveals the happy secret to better work ...

Elizabeth Gilbert shares the 7 books that shaped her as a writer ... 

And dive into this list of one book from every country in the world ...


Quote of the Week

Inspiration and growth only come from adversity and from challenge — from stepping away from what's comfortable and familiar and stepping out into the unknown."

Ben Saunders
Why bother leaving the house?



