2016年6月5日 星期日

The passing of time, caught in a single photo

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This week on TED.com
June 5, 2016

Stephen Wilkes: The passing of time, caught in a single photo

12:36 minutes · Filmed Feb 2016 · Posted Jun 2016 · TED2016

Photographer Stephen Wilkes crafts stunning compositions of landscapes as they transition from day to night, exploring the space-time continuum within a two-dimensional still photograph. Journey with him to iconic locations like the Tournelle Bridge in Paris, El Capitan in Yosemite National Park and a life-giving watering hole in heart of the Serengeti in this tour of his art and process.

Playlist of the week

Borders, reimagined

Get to know our interconnected world with talks that transcend our understanding of global boundaries and their limitations. Watch »

9 TED Talks • Total run time 2:07:26

This week's TED Talks

All in the Family. The Jeffersons. Good Times -- if you loved these classic, boundary-breaking TV sitcoms, you can thank legendary TV producer Norman Lear. In this intimate, smart conversation with Eric Hirshberg, he, shares with humility and humor, how his tough childhood, and his relationship with "the foolishness of the human condition," has shaped his life and creative vision to this day. Watch »

In some parts of the world, it's easier to get an automatic rifle than a glass of clean drinking water. Is this just the way it is? Physician Samantha Nutt has spent her life treating the young victims of the global arms trade -- and suggests a bold, commonsense solution for ending the cycle of violence. "War is ours," she says. "We buy it, sell it, spread it and wage it. We are therefore not powerless to solve it." Watch »

Sue Desmond-Hellmann advocates for precision public health -- combining big data, gene sequencing and other high-tech tools with good old-fashioned patient care. As she shows, the approach has already helped cut HIV transmission from mothers to babies by nearly half in sub-Saharan Africa, and now it's being used to fight infant death all over the world. Learn how this new approach to medicine is helping moms have healthier babies. Watch »

Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state? In this fascinating talk, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman investigates how the words we use can hint at our inner lives in ways we aren't conscious of -- and details a word-mapping algorithm that could predict the development of schizophrenia. (And listen for a fascinating detour into the very origin of consciousness itself.) Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Urban life: Why cities, not nations, rule the world
Are cities the world's best hope for future democracy?

What, me worry: Why do some Americas deny there's a drought?
How to rethink the US' relationship to water -- and fight denialism

6 books: How our dreams illuminate our lives
A reading list from Brainpicker's Maria Popova

Quote of the Week

Interviewer: How old do you feel?
Norman Lear: I am the peer of whoever I'm talking to."

-- Norman Lear
An entertainment icon on living a life of meaning


