2016年3月12日 星期六

A powerful talk on the value of doubt

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This week on TED.com
March 12, 2016

Casey Gerald: The power of doubt

18:19 minutes · Filmed Feb 2016 · Posted Mar 2016 · TED2016

What do you do when your firmly held beliefs turn out not to be true? All his life, Casey Gerald has searched for something to believe in -- in business, in government, in philanthropy -- but found no easy answers. In this moving, personal talk, he urges us all to question our beliefs and embrace our uncertainty -- and, perhaps, find the courage to believe in something better.

Playlist of the week

The power of the individual voice

It only takes one voice to create change. Be inspired to take action through these talks by brave and passionate individuals. Watch »

6 TED Talks • Total run time 1:43:08

This week's TED Talks

Deep in the Himalayas, on the border between China and India, lies the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has pledged to remain carbon neutral for all time -- and to measure its success by the happiness of its people. Bhutan's Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay shares his country's mission to put happiness before economic growth. Watch »

We're raising our girls to be perfect, and we're raising our boys to be brave, says Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code. Saujani wants us all to support young girls to take risks and learn to write code -- two skills they'll need in a world that demands innovation and constant learning (which means sometimes failing). "I need each of you to tell every young woman you know to be comfortable with imperfection." Watch »

Hundreds of meters below the surface of the ocean, Laura Robinson probes the steep slopes of massive undersea mountains. She's on the hunt for thousand-year-old corals that she can test in a nuclear reactor to discover how the ocean changes over time. By studying the history of the earth, Robinson hopes to find clues of what might happen in the future. Watch »

Mileha Soneji shares two clever, accessible designs that make living with Parkinson's a bit easier -- and that might inspire your own creative thinking around a problem of your own. "Technology is not always it," she says. "What we need are human-centered solutions." Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Brain: The neuroscience of ADHD »
Half of American preschoolers diagnosed with ADHD are given drugs. Is there another way?

Design: The science behind why adults love coloring books too »
It's all about the flow ...

Humans: Five years on, what's it like to be from Fukushima? »
Photos and stories of lives changed forever

Fukushima scientist

Quote of the Week

A report found that men will apply for a job if they meet only 60 percent of the qualifications, but women, women will apply only if they meet 100 percent of the qualifications. 100 percent. This study is usually invoked as evidence that, well, women need a little more confidence. But I think it's evidence that women have been socialized to aspire to perfection, and they're overly cautious."

Reshma Saujani
Teach girls bravery, not perfection
TED Talks: Science & Wonder

TED Talks: Science & Wonder

An hourlong special on PBS -- featuring talks from the frontiers of science, medicine and tech. Watch for it online or on your local PBS television station.
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