2015年8月15日 星期六

The surprising way groups like ISIS stay in power

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August 15, 2015

Benedetta Berti: The surprising way groups like ISIS stay in power

05:38 minutes · Filmed Mar 2015 · Posted Aug 2015 · TED2015

ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas. These three very different groups are known for violence — but that’s only a portion of what they do, says policy analyst Benedetta Berti. They also attempt to win over populations with social work: setting up schools and hospitals, offering safety and security, and filling the gaps left by weak governments. Understanding the broader work of these groups suggests new strategies for ending the violence.

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Quote of the Week

We need to know what makes these organizations tick. We know a lot about how they fight, why they fight, but no one looks at what they're doing when they're not fighting. ... We cannot understand these groups, let alone defeat them, if we don't have the full picture."

Benedetta Berti Benedetta Berti
The surprising way groups like ISIS stay in power

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