2014年10月11日 星期六

The surprising reason you should care about privacy

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This week on TED.com
October 11, 2014

Glenn Greenwald: Why your privacy matters

20:37 minutes · Filmed Oct 2014 · Posted Oct 2014 · TEDGlobal 2014

You might not worry about your privacy online -- since you're not doing anything you need to hide, right? But at TEDGlobal, journalist Glenn Greenwald suggests that even perfectly law-abiding people have the right not to be watched online. Why? Because when we know we're being watched, whether it's by a camera, a guard or an email sniffer, it changes how we act. Hear a case for privacy you might not have considered.

Playlist of the week

The importance of educating girls

In too many places, education is not a given for girls. Hear from two amazing young women who faced great risk to change that, and two inspiring adults who support them -- including the father of Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai. Watch »

4 TED Talks • Total run time 56:07

More from TED.com

In 2013, migrants sent $413 billion home to families and friends — which is three times more than the total of global foreign aid. This money, known as remittances, plays a major role in the economies of many countries. Economist Dilip Ratha describes the promise of these “dollars wrapped with love” and shows how they are stifled by financial obstacles. Watch »

Pia Mancini and her colleagues want to upgrade democracy in Argentina and beyond. Through their open-source mobile platform they want to bring citizens inside the legislative process, and run candidates who will listen to what they say. Watch »

About 10,000 people a month Google the phrase, “Am I ugly?” Meaghan Ramsey of the Dove Self-Esteem Project has a feeling that many of them are young girls. In a deeply unsettling talk, she walks us through the surprising impacts of low body and image confidence—from lower grade point averages to greater risk-taking with drugs and alcohol. And then shares the key things all of us can do to disrupt this reality. Watch »

French economist Thomas Piketty caused a sensation in early 2014 with his book on a simple, brutal formula explaining economic inequality: r > g (meaning that return on capital is generally higher than economic growth). Here, he talks through the massive data set that led him to conclude: Economic inequality is not new, but it is getting worse, with radical possible impacts. Watch »

news and moments from TEDGlobal 2014

TEDGlobal 2014: South! What happened this week in Rio de Janeiro? We got the latest news on  Ebola ... heard from a crusading lawyer in Afghanistan ... learned the dreams of refugees ... and blew our minds with a monkey-brain interface. Read all about it »


Quote of the Week

[Psychiatric] drugs have so many side effects because using them to treat a complex psychiatric disorder is a bit like trying to change your engine oil by opening a can and pouring it all over the engine block. Some of it will dribble into the right place, but a lot of it will do more harm than good."

David Anderson
Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals

Join the Conversation

  This is a real eye-opener for me. I had no idea that it could cost so much for migrants to send money back to the families. If they are in America legally, I think our government should develop a program that would get the money where it is supposed to go with minimal cost. The recruiters that do these horrible deeds now are going to pay later. They should pay now but it seems that many governments profit from this practice, too. It seems that people with no integrity are always creating harm for people with integrity. The way of so much of the world. I need to find out who to contact to write to them about this issue. Thank you for this talk."


