2014年9月20日 星期六

A good book is like a secret door

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This week on TED.com
September 20, 2014

Mac Barnett: A good book is like a secret door

16:59 minutes · Posted Sep 2014 · TEDxSonomaCounty

Childhood is surreal. Why shouldn't children's books be? In this charming talk, author Mac Barnett speaks about writing as a doorway to wonder -- at any age.

Playlist of the week

The perfect lunchtime talks

One hour, 6 delightful talks -- as reinvigorating for the mind as a cup of coffee. Watch »

Total run time 1:03:52

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Quote of the Week

People say to me, 'How do I know if a word is real?' You know, anybody who's read a children's book knows that love makes things real. If you love a word, use it. That makes it real."

Erin McKean
Erin McKean: The joy of lexicography

Join the Conversation

  My wife leaves a book on the end of my son's bed every night after he's gone to sleep and tells him it was chosen by the book fairy, just for him.
I think Mac, in his spare time, may well be a book fairy.
Lots of our friends either make art or consume it like art piranhas.
For me, art is play. For Mac Barnett it is the space where truth and lies co-exist happily. This is joyful, playful and simultaneously silly and serious.
Highly recommended for everyone, but especially good for pirates, time travellers and whale fans.
Thanks Mac for putting a big grin on my face."
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