2019年7月30日 星期二

What idea will you discover next, Chia-Ching?

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Hi Chia-Ching,
Here's an idea we think you'll appreciate. How we need to remake the internet by Jaron Lanier was recommended by David Biello:
I worry a lot about the internet and its affect on my brain. Jaron and his friends helped to build the internet, and he feels the same way. So who better to teach us how to fix the problem, than from the person who created it in the first place?
David Biello, Science Curator, TED
This idea has been viewed 2,693,092 times, and translated into 16 languages.
It was recommended to you because of your interest in Technology, Social change, The future, Communication, Humanity, and Society. (Pro tip: you can adjust your interests any time you like, or see all your past recommendations in your dashboard.)
What did you think?
An idea from TED by The beauty of being a misfit
We'd love to know what you thought about The beauty of being a misfit.

Parting thought
“Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Gandhi — all these peopled described themselves as quiet and soft-spoken and even shy. And they all took the spotlight, even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to.”
Susan Cain, Quiet revolutionary, from Susan Cain: The power of introverts
Questions? Hit reply and we'll be in touch.

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