2019年7月16日 星期二

Chia-Ching, here’s why you should watch this talk...

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Hi Chia-Ching,
Here's an idea we think you'll appreciate. The history of our world in 18 minutes by David Christian was recommended by Pieter Keushkerian:
This is one of my all-time favorite talks because it takes a concept that is so convoluted and so daunting with regards to data and history, and it boils it down to the simplicity of scrambling eggs. Regardless of your background, this talk has the potential to change the way you see the world and your place within it.
Pieter Keushkerian, Curation Intern, TED
This idea has been viewed 9,881,655 times, and translated into 38 languages.
It was recommended to you because of your interest in Humanity. (Pro tip: you can adjust your interests any time you like, or see all your past recommendations in your dashboard.)
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Parting thought
“Our desire to bring every good thing to our children is a force for good throughout the world. It's what propels societies forward.”
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