2016年6月30日 星期四

Your Scoop.it Daily Summary - 3 Knowledge Domains For The 21st Century Student and 3 other Top Stories

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Hi Matt Lin!
  These are the top stories on the topics you follow. (See all)
Scooped by Rob Hatfield, M.Ed.
onto 21st Century Teaching and Learning Resources
Scooped by Collection of First
onto Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, LD, Autism (etc. conspiracy labels out there) Education Tools & Info
Scooped by Jeff Domansky
onto Public Relations & Social Media Insight
Snapchat is now known as a platform for individuals and brands -- one that allows users to create quick, lighthearted, and even educational video content without using valuable production resources. For brands, this means a new opportunity to show off their culture, share knowledge, and connect with their audience in a new and exciting way.
After reporting more than 100 million daily active users, and over 8 billion video views a day, we decided to give it a go: The official HubSpot Snapchat account launched in March 2016. And while we're still getting our feet wet, we've already learned a lot about executing and iterating a successful Snapchat business strategy.
To help you get started, we've detailed everything we've learned (so far) below. We'll start by going over the basics -- how to set up an account, create a Snap, leverage effects, etc. -- and jump into some tips after that. ...
Scooped by Jim Lerman
onto Scriveners' Trappings
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