2016年6月25日 星期六

Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality

Extrovert, introvert ... or both? Open this email in your browser
This week on TED.com
June 25, 2016

Brian Little: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality

15:15 minutes · Filmed Feb 2016 · Posted Jun 2016 · TED2016

What makes you ... you? Psychologists talk about our traits, or defined characteristics that make us who we are. But Brian Little is more interested in the moments when we transcend those traits -- sometimes because our culture demands it of us, and sometimes because we demand it of ourselves. Join Little as he dissects the surprising differences between introverts and extroverts, and explains why your personality may be more malleable than you think.

Playlist of the week

10 years of TED Talks: Powerful stories

We’re celebrating 10 years of TED Talks! Curl up and listen to some of the most intimate and compelling personal stories we've ever shared. Watch »

10 TED Talks • Total run time 2:18:56

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Seema Bansal had a challenge: Overhaul 15,000 primary schools in the state of Haryana, in India, and bring 80 percent of children up to grade level by 2020. Oh, and -- with no budget increase. Bansal shares the creative, low-cost and no-cost ideas that emerged when she and her team did something few other would-be reformers had: they listened to teachers. Watch »

Gill Hicks is a survivor of the July 7, 2005, London bombings. And from the ashes of chaos and hate, her own story is one of compassion and humanity. She shares her moment-by-moment story of that day -- and the profound lessons that came as she learned how to live on. Watch »

Between you and your destination, there's a big green lawn. Do you take the sidewalk, or do you cut across the lawn for a shorter trip? In this short talk, Tom Hulme talks about why we take shortcuts -- and what designers (and everyone) can learn from noticing them. Bonus: Once you know how to spot these "desire paths," you'll start noticing them everywhere.  Watch »

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Science: We just heard another pair of black holes crashing together >>
Meet one of the designers of the LIGO experiment, which listens for ripples in space-time caused by massive cosmic events. Everything about this is awesome

Health: Why countries still around the world still ban some healthy people from giving blood >>
Exposing an outdated belief that prevents people from helping others

Optics: Is the world ready for T-rays?
Scientists are learning how to harness the terahertz ray, a way of looking deep inside a painting -- or even reading a book without opening it ...

Goya under T-rays. Image courtesy Albert Redo-Sanchez/MIT Media Lab

From left to right: Image of Goya’s painting The Sacrifice to Vesta; the same painting with 50% THz visible; 100% THz view of the painting. Image courtesy Albert Redo-Sanchez/MIT Media Lab

Quote of the Week

We communicate differently, extroverts and introverts. Extroverts, when they interact, want to have lots of social encounter. They'd like to stand close for comfortable communication. They like to have a lot of eye contact, or mutual gaze. When an extrovert meets a Charles, it rapidly becomes "Charlie," and then "Chuck," and then "Chuckles Baby." Whereas for introverts, it remains "Charles."

Brian Little
Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality

Happy birthday, ted talks!

On June 27, 2006, we posted the first 6 TED Talks online. Now 10 years and 2.4 billion viewers later, we're celebrating! Watch for new playlists and blog posts and a few surprises all week ...

On the TED Blog:
How did TED Talks keep pace with history over the past 10 years?
An analysis of TED Talks reveals the changing conversation on climate change

New playlists to download:
Radical rethinking Talks that flip old conventions and challenge assumptions
Powerful stories Some of the most personal, moving moments we've ever shared
Revolutionizing reality TED Talks that ask: how will we interact with reality in the future?


