2016年4月30日 星期六

What does your DNA do? It builds a human being

Reading the Human Code ... Open in your browser
This week on TED.com
April 30, 2016

Riccardo Sabatini: What does your DNA do? It builds a human being

15:28 minutes · Filmed Feb 2016 · Posted Apr 2016 · TED2016

Think of it as the Human Code: Your genome, made of DNA, is the complete set of genetic instructions needed to build a human being. Now, as Riccardo Sabatini shows us, we have the power to read this complex code, predicting things like height, eye color, age and even facial structure from a vial of blood. In this talk, share a powerful explanation of what your DNA does ... and learn what's coming next as we learn more and more about how the human genome works.

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7 TED Talks • Total run time 1:05:41

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Quote of the Week

Why study the ancient past? Because it gives us perspective and humility. There are an infinite number of histories that we could've had. We only get one, and wow, did we ever get a good one."

Kenneth Lacovara
Hunting for dinosaurs

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