2019年10月12日 星期六

A personal plea for humanity at the US-Mexico border

"This is not an abstract debate." Read online.
This week on TED.com
October 12, 2019

A personal plea for humanity at the US-Mexico border

10:15 minutes · Filmed Sep 2019 · Posted Oct 2019 · TED Salon: Border Stories

In this powerful talk, author and academic Juan Enriquez shares stories from inside the immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border, bringing this often-abstract debate back down to earth -- and showing what you can do every day to create a sense of belonging for immigrants. "This isn't about kids and borders," he says. "It's about us. This is about who we are, who we the people are, as a nation and as individuals."

Playlist of the week

Refugees welcome

Not since World War II have so many people been forcibly displaced by war and persecution. Here are talks on why it's important to help refugees thrive -- and personal stories of starting over. Watch »

Total run time 2:54:41

This week's new TED Talks

How we're helping local reporters turn important stories into national news
Local reporters are on the front lines of important stories, but their work often goes unnoticed by national and international news outlets. TED Fellow and journalist Gangadhar Patil is working to change that. In this quick talk, he shows how he's connecting grassroots reporters in India with major news outlets worldwide.

This ancient rock is changing our theory on the origin of life
Exactly when and where did life on Earth begin? Scientists have long thought that it emerged three billion years ago in the ocean -- until astrobiologist Tara Djokic and her team made an unexpected discovery in the western Australian desert. Learn how an ancient rock found near a hot volcanic pool is shifting our understanding of the origin-of-life puzzle.

What Bruce Lee can teach us about living fully
Most of us know Bruce Lee as the famous martial artist and action film star -- but he was also a philosopher who taught "self-actualization": the practice of how to be yourself in the best way possible. In this inspiring talk, Bruce's daughter Shannon Lee takes us inside the mind of her father, exploring how to use his philosophy in your daily life to achieve profound personal growth and make a lasting impact.

The transformative power of video games
A full third of the world's population -- 2.6 billion people -- play video games, plugging into massive networks of interaction that have opened up opportunities well beyond entertainment. In a talk about the future of the medium, entrepreneur Herman Narula makes the case for a new understanding of gaming -- one that includes the power to create new worlds, connect people and shape the economy.

A radical plan to end plastic waste
Plastic is an incredible substance for the economy -- and the worst substance possible for the environment, says entrepreneur Andrew Forrest. In a conversation meant to spark debate, Forrest and head of TED Chris Anderson discuss an ambitious plan to get the world's biggest companies to fund an environmental revolution -- and transition industry towards getting all of its plastic from recycled materials, not from fossil fuels.

How we're using DNA tech to help farmers fight crop diseases
Nearly 800 million people worldwide depend on cassava for survival -- but this critical food source is under attack by entirely preventable viruses, says computational biologist and TED Senior Fellow Laura Boykin. She takes us to the farms in East Africa where she's working with a diverse team of scientists to help farmers keep their crops healthy using a portable DNA lab and mini supercomputer that can identify viruses in hours, instead of months.


Feeling alone in the world? Here are six TED Talks to watch (and a reminder that you’ve got company!).

3 things you should know about your money. Let's begin with the basics.

Looking for something great to read, stream or watch this fall? Please enjoy 18 picks worthy of your time, from ace curator and TEDWomen editorial director, Pat Mitchell.

To be a great leader, you need to start by leading yourself. "Self-leadership" could help you keep up with the demands of the job.


This week on The TED Interview, psychologist Daniel Gilbert delves into the weird, counterintuitive science of happiness -- explaining why our minds worry about things we needn't worry about (and fail to worry about things we should worry about). Listen now on Apple Podcasts.


What could you accomplish if you stepped out of your comfort zone? Find out with a whole world of ideas that will inspire and challenge you. Learn more »


