Of all the problems facing humanity, which should we focus on solving first? In a compelling talk about how to make the world better, moral philosopher Will MacAskill provides a framework for answering this question based on the philosophy of "effective altruism" -- and shares ideas for taking on three pressing global issues. Watch » Did the world's response to 9/11 make us any safer? In an eye-opening talk, TED Fellow and conflict researcher Benedetta Berti suggests that building a safer world has a lot less to do with crushing enemies on the battlefield and a lot more to do with protecting civilians -- no matter where they're from or where they live. Watch » | For nearly half a century, scientists have been trying to create a process for transplanting animal organs into humans. But the risks, specifically of transmitting the PERV virus from pigs to humans, have always been too great, stalling research -- until now. In a mind-blowing talk, geneticist Luhan Yang explains a breakthrough: using CRISPR, a technique for editing genes, she and her colleagues have created pigs that don't carry the virus. Watch » In 2011, eye surgeon Andrew Bastawrous developed a breakthrough app that brings eye care to remote communities, preventing blindness and disease. But along the way, he noticed a problem: strict funding regulations meant that he could only treat people with specific diseases, leaving many others without help. In this passionate talk, Bastawrous calls for a new health care funding model that's flexible and ambitious -- to deliver better health to everyone. Watch » | |