2018年9月15日 星期六

Struggling to make a decision? 3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer

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This week on TED.com
September 15, 2018

Tom Griffiths: 3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer

11:47 minutes · Filmed Jun 2017 · Posted Sep 2018 · TEDxSydney

If you ever struggle to make decisions, here's a talk for you. Cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths shows how we can apply the logic of computers to untangle tricky human problems, sharing three practical strategies for making better decisions -- on everything from finding a home to choosing which restaurant to go to tonight.

Playlist of the week

The value of skepticism (10 talks)

These TED Talks push us to question more -- our doctors, our governments and even our own eyes. Watch »

Total run time 2:27:56

This week's new TED Talks

Of all the problems facing humanity, which should we focus on solving first? In a compelling talk about how to make the world better, moral philosopher Will MacAskill provides a framework for answering this question based on the philosophy of "effective altruism" -- and shares ideas for taking on three pressing global issues. Watch »

Did the world's response to 9/11 make us any safer? In an eye-opening talk, TED Fellow and conflict researcher Benedetta Berti suggests that building a safer world has a lot less to do with crushing enemies on the battlefield and a lot more to do with protecting civilians -- no matter where they're from or where they live. Watch »

For nearly half a century, scientists have been trying to create a process for transplanting animal organs into humans. But the risks, specifically of transmitting the PERV virus from pigs to humans, have always been too great, stalling research -- until now. In a mind-blowing talk, geneticist Luhan Yang explains a breakthrough: using CRISPR, a technique for editing genes, she and her colleagues have created pigs that don't carry the virus. Watch »

In 2011, eye surgeon Andrew Bastawrous developed a breakthrough app that brings eye care to remote communities, preventing blindness and disease. But along the way, he noticed a problem: strict funding regulations meant that he could only treat people with specific diseases, leaving many others without help. In this passionate talk, Bastawrous calls for a new health care funding model that's flexible and ambitious -- to deliver better health to everyone. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Living: Got too much stuff? 7 TED-tested tips to de-clutter
Wise advice from speakers on how to pare down and love your space

Creativity: Anger can be fire for creativity -- so let it burn
A passionate case to channel your rage into power, art, music, action

Gallery: What's it like to live next to a volcano?
Meet people from around the world who live next to a massive, unpredictable force of nature

Quote of the Week

You can't control outcomes, just processes. And as long as you've used the best process, you've done the best that you can."

Tom Griffiths
3 ways to make better decisions — by thinking like a computer

TED Radio hour: Decisions Decisions

Whether you're choosing spaghetti sauce or a life partner, making decisions can be paralyzing. This hour, TED speakers explore how we make the choices we make, and how we learn to live with them. Listen on NPR, Apple Podcasts or the TED Android app.




