2018年5月6日 星期日

How to build (and rebuild) trust

Learn the 3 elements of trust. Open in your browser
This week on TED.com
May 6, 2018

Frances Frei: How to build (and rebuild) trust

15:05 minutes · Filmed Apr 2018 · Posted May 2018 · TED2018

Trust is the foundation for almost everything we humans can accomplish together. But what do we do when it's broken? In an eye-opening talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it (something she worked on during a recent stint at Uber). Trust has three key elements, she reveals; learn what they are, and how to get better at each one.

Playlist of the week

How to practice emotional first aid

Handy TED Talks for when you (or a loved one) need help recovering from an emotional hit. Watch »

10 TED Talks • Total run time 2:06:18

Catch up on this week's new TED Talks

Was 2017 really the "worst year ever," as some would have us believe? In his analysis of recent data on homicide, war, poverty, pollution and more, psychologist Steven Pinker finds that we're doing better now in every one of them when compared with 30 years ago. But progress isn't inevitable, and it doesn't mean everything gets better for everyone all the time, Pinker says in this intriguing argument. Watch »

Andrologist John Amory is developing a new form of contraception -- a pill for men. He details the science in development -- and the unique challenges he and his team are facing as they examine how best to solve the problem. Listen for the compelling case as to why the world needs the "male pill." Watch »

Blending traditional Yoruba culture with sharp modern songwriting, the electro-soul duo (and twin sisters) Ibeyi play a transportive set of two songs: "Valé" and "River." Watch »

If you want to build a team of innovative problem-solvers in a technical workplace, you should value the humanities just as much as the sciences, says engineering entrepreneur Eric Berridge. He shares why tech companies should look beyond STEM graduates for creativity and insight. Watch »

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Quote of the Week

I want each of us to be able to engender more trust tomorrow, literally tomorrow, than we do today. And the way to do that is to understand where trust wobbles for ourselves and have a ready-made prescription to overcome it."

Frances Frei
How to build (and rebuild) trust

ted en español

How many stories can one song tell us? Listen to Jorge Drexler speak about poetry, music and identity in this week's episode of TED en Español, TED's first Spanish-language podcast. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, TuneIn or wherever you listen. 



