In this beautiful talk-performance hybrid, drummer, percussionist and TED Fellow Kasiva Mutua tells the story of how she's breaking the taboo against female drummers in Kenya -- and her mission to teach the drum to the next generations.
In this perspective-shifting talk, Danny Hillis asks us to look at global issues like climate change with creative scientific solutions. Taking a look at the controversial topic of solar geoengineering, he asks us to think about creative solutions with open-minded curiosity. Watch »
Irina Kareva translates biology into mathematics and vice versa. She writes mathematical models that describe the dynamics of cancer, with the goal of developing new drugs that target tumors. Watch »
There's no such thing as throwing something away, says Andrew Dent -- when you toss a used food container, broken toy or old pair of socks into the trash, those things inevitably end up in ever-growing landfills. But we can get smarter about the way we make, and remake, our products. Dent shares exciting examples of thrift -- the idea of using and reusing what you need so you don't have to purchase anything new. Watch »
In 2009, journalist and screenwriter Drew Philp bought a ruined house in Detroit for $500. In the years that followed, as he gutted the interior and removed the heaps of garbage crowding the rooms, he didn't just learn how to repair a house -- he learned how to build a community. In a tribute to the city he loves, Philp tells us about "radical neighborliness" and makes the case that we have "the power to create the world anew together and to do it ourselves when our governments refuse." Watch »
Reading list:17 books to prepare you for TED2018 >> Our annual conference kicks off this week. A sneak preview of the ideas on offer (which happens to be an pretty great reading list too)
I use my drum to tell my story and my people's stories. My roots shaped me, and my culture is here to stay with me. Women can be custodians of culture, too. We are born to bring forth life, to nurture it. We can definitely preserve our traditions very, very excellently. My drum and I, we are here to stay."
You manage your emotions at work—and your coworkers’ and customers’ emotions too. How do you do that without burning out? To find out how to get into character, deliver a great performance, and avoid exhaustion, host Adam Grant talks with actor John Lithgow and takes you inside the call center at Zappos and the hospitality philosophy of an acclaimed restauranteur. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, the TED Android app, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Incredible things can happen when someone shares an idea so inspiring it moves others to act. Watch 5 stories of people whose lives have been intrinsically changed by the idea in a TED Talk. A collaboration between Great Big Story and TED. Meet the Torchbearers »
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