2018年4月28日 星期六

SpaceX's plan to fly you across the globe in 30 minutes

What's the next big rocket? Open in browser
This week on TED.com
April 28, 2018

Gwynne Shotwell: SpaceX's plan to fly you across the globe in 30 minutes

21:30 minutes · Filmed Apr 2018 · Posted Apr 2018 · TED2018

What's up at SpaceX? Engineer Gwynne Shotwell was employee number seven at Elon Musk's pioneering aerospace company and is now its president. In conversation with TED curator Chris Anderson, she discusses SpaceX's race to put people into orbit and the organization's next big project, the BFR (ask her what it stands for). The new giant rocket is designed to take humanity to Mars -- but it has another potential use: space travel for earthlings.

Playlist of the week

How to understand your inner potential (5 talks)

No one takes the same life path to personal success. These talks can help you examine and identify the unique passions and perspectives that make you, you. Watch »

Total run time 1:10:57

Catch up on this week's new TED Talks

The global collection of women's experiences can no longer be ignored, says actress and activist Tracee Ellis Ross. In a candid, fearless talk, she delivers invitations to a better future to both men and women. Watch »

Digital creator Dylan Marron has racked up millions of views -- but the flip side of success online is internet hate. He's found an unexpected coping mechanism: calling the people who leave harsh comments and asking a simple question: "Why did you write that?"  Watch »

By expanding boundaries, exploring possibilities and conveying truth, films have helped change Africa's reality (even before "Black Panther"). Dayo Ogunyemi invites us to imagine Africa's future through the lens of filmmakers from across the continent, showing us how they can inspire Africa to make a hundred-year leap. Watch »

Clemantine Wamariya was 6 years old when the Rwandan Civil War forced her and her sister to flee home, leaving their parents and everything they knew behind. In this deeply personal talk, she tells the story of how she became a refugee, living in camps in seven countries over the next six years -- and how she's tried to make sense of what came after. Watch »

When lawyer Sarah Donnelly was diagnosed with breast cancer, she turned to her friends and family for support -- but she also found meaning, focus and stability in her work. In a personal talk about why and how she stayed on the job, she shares her insights on how workplaces can accommodate people going through major illnesses -- because the benefits go both ways. Watch »

When Glen Henry decided to leave a job he hated, he went to work for an equally demanding boss: his two kids. And he went from thinking he knew it all about being a stay-at-home parent to realizing he knew nothing at all. A warm, wise and funny talk about all kinds of parenthood. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Communities: The 4 steps to build power in our connected age >>
There's a new kind of power that comes from building networks

We humans: How to raise a child who cares >>
Worried your kids are too selfish? Here's what to do

Science: A hypnotic video animates the life cycle of a virus >>
How to understand the process inside a cell? Make a video

Quote of the Week

When Elon says something, you have to pause and not immediately blurt out, 'Well, that's impossible,' or, 'There's no way we're going to do that. I don't know how.' So you zip it, and you think about it, and you find ways to get that done."

Gwynne Shotwell
SpaceX's plan to fly you across the globe in 30 minutes

new podcast: TED en Español

TED just launched our first Spanish-language podcast: TED en Español! Subscribe now to hear TED Talks in Spanish from Jorge Ramos, Ingrid Betancourt and Gonzalo Villariño ... Find TED en Español on Apple Podcasts, TuneIn or wherever you listen.


2018年4月21日 星期六

Why it's worth listening to people you disagree with

An important talk about finding common ground. Open in browser
This week on TED.com
April 21, 2018

Zachary R. Wood: Why it's worth listening to people you disagree with

11:22 minutes · Filmed Apr 2018 · Posted Apr 2018 · TED2018

We get stronger, not weaker, by engaging with ideas and people we disagree with, says Zachary R. Wood. In an important talk about finding common ground, Wood makes the case that we can build empathy and gain understanding by engaging tactfully and thoughtfully with controversial ideas and unfamiliar perspectives. "Tuning out opposing viewpoints doesn't make them go away," Wood says. "To achieve progress in the face of adversity, we need a genuine commitment to gaining a deeper understanding of humanity."

Playlist of the week

The beauty of strangers

Talks that explore the poetic and unexpected pleasures of the strangers who make fleeting appearances in our lives. Watch »

Total run time 1:38:53

Catch up on this week's new TED Talks

Ocean expert Nancy Rabalais tracks the ominously named "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico -- where there isn't enough oxygen in the water to support life. The Gulf has the second largest dead zone in the world; on top of killing fish and crustaceans, it's also killing fisheries in these waters. Rabalais tells us about what's causing it -- and how we can reverse its harmful effects and restore one of the planet's natural treasures. Watch »

Why do we still think that drug use is a law-enforcement issue? Making drugs illegal does nothing to stop people from using them, says public health expert Mark Tyndall. So, what might work? Tyndall shares community-based research that shows how harm-reduction strategies, like safe-injection sites, are working to address the drug overdose crisis. Watch »

Meet a brand-new way to make solar energy: Unlike the solar cells you're used to seeing, organic photovoltaics are made of compounds that are dissolved in ink and can be printed and molded using simple techniques. The result is a low-weight, flexible, semi-transparent film that turns the energy of the sun into electricity. Hannah Bürckstümmer shows us how they're made -- and how they could change the way we power the world. Watch »

Diane Wolk-Rogers teaches history at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, site of a horrific school shooting. How can we end this senseless violence? In a stirring talk, Wolk-Rogers offers three ways the US can move forward to create more safety and responsibility around guns -- and invites people to come up with their own answers, too. She asks us to take a cue from the student activists at her school, survivors whose work for change has moved millions to action. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Tech: What will save the internet from trolls and hate? Humans will >>
Jaron Lanier asks: How can we regain our online spaces?

Science: If climate change won't be felt for many generations, how (and why) should we think about it now?
A provocative question from Charles C. Mann

Tech: These six pioneering women helped create modern computing >>
The untold stories of the first ENIAC programmers

Health: The quest to build an epilepsy seizure forecaster >>
New tech that could bring hope and predictability to people with epilepsy

Quote of the Week

I see the anger. And I get it. But what I wish I could tell people is that it's worth the discomfort, it's worth listening, and that we're stronger, not weaker, because of it."

Zachary R. Wood
Why it's worth listening to people you disagree with

Worklife with adam grant

Being your own boss can be liberating, but it can also be paralyzing. Adam Grant talks with author Dan Pink about the challenges of working for ourselves and visits a tomato paste company, Morning Star, that has run successfully for decades without bosses. Listen now on Apple Podcasts, the TED Android app, or wherever you get your podcasts.


2018年4月7日 星期六

How I use the drums to tell my story

A talk and performance full of musical passion! Open in browser
This week on TED.com
April 7, 2018

Kasiva Mutua: How I use the drum to tell my story

12:38 minutes · Filmed Aug 2017 · Posted Apr 2018 · TEDGlobal 2017

In this beautiful talk-performance hybrid, drummer, percussionist and TED Fellow Kasiva Mutua tells the story of how she's breaking the taboo against female drummers in Kenya -- and her mission to teach the drum to the next generations.

Playlist of the week

Talks to kickstart your next career

These talks might just inspire a professional renaissance -- with courage and tools to start along a new career path. Watch »

4 TED Talks • Total run time 38:05

catch up on this week's new TED Talks

In this perspective-shifting talk, Danny Hillis asks us to look at global issues like climate change with creative scientific solutions. Taking a look at the controversial topic of solar geoengineering, he asks us to think about creative solutions with open-minded curiosity. Watch »

Irina Kareva translates biology into mathematics and vice versa. She writes mathematical models that describe the dynamics of cancer, with the goal of developing new drugs that target tumors. Watch »

There's no such thing as throwing something away, says Andrew Dent -- when you toss a used food container, broken toy or old pair of socks into the trash, those things inevitably end up in ever-growing landfills. But we can get smarter about the way we make, and remake, our products. Dent shares exciting examples of thrift -- the idea of using and reusing what you need so you don't have to purchase anything new. Watch »

In 2009, journalist and screenwriter Drew Philp bought a ruined house in Detroit for $500. In the years that followed, as he gutted the interior and removed the heaps of garbage crowding the rooms, he didn't just learn how to repair a house -- he learned how to build a community. In a tribute to the city he loves, Philp tells us about "radical neighborliness" and makes the case that we have "the power to create the world anew together and to do it ourselves when our governments refuse." Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

We humans: Advice on how to be more hopeful >>
8 speakers on how to nudge your mind toward the sunny side

Philanthropy: A new vision for funding. Meet the Audacious Project >>
An audacious idea to inspire and support change-makers at scale

Reading list: 17 books to prepare you for TED2018 >>
Our annual conference kicks off this week. A sneak preview of the ideas on offer (which happens to be an pretty great reading list too)

Quote of the Week

I use my drum to tell my story and my people's stories. My roots shaped me, and my culture is here to stay with me. Women can be custodians of culture, too. We are born to bring forth life, to nurture it. We can definitely preserve our traditions very, very excellently. My drum and I, we are here to stay."

Kasiva Mutua
How I use the drum to tell my story

New episode: Worklife with adam grant

You manage your emotions at work—and your coworkers’ and customers’ emotions too. How do you do that without burning out? To find out how to get into character, deliver a great performance, and avoid exhaustion, host Adam Grant talks with actor John Lithgow and takes you inside the call center at Zappos and the hospitality philosophy of an acclaimed restauranteur. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, the TED Android app, or wherever you get your podcasts.