2017年9月9日 星期六

How to build a company where the best ideas win

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This week on TED.com
September 9, 2017

Ray Dalio: How to build a company where the best ideas win

16:33 minutes · Filmed Apr 2017 · Posted Sep 2017 · TED2017

What if you knew what your coworkers really thought about your ideas? Ray Dalio makes the business case for radical transparency, with a system for decision-making that can create an idea meritocracy where people can speak up and say what they really think -- yes, even contradicting the boss. Learn how these strategies helped Dalio create one of the world's most successful hedge funds, and how you can harness the power of data-driven group decision-making in your own life.

Playlist of the week

How to navigate questionable information

Learn to spot the difference between fact and fiction — and navigate the gray areas in between — with these 4 informative talks. Watch »

4 TED Talks • Total run time 46:06

This week's new TED Talks

Why do young people join terrorist groups? These extremists aren't all naturally violent sociopaths -- many of them are deliberately recruited and radicalized in a process that doesn't fit into a neat pattern. Erin Marie Saltman discusses the push and pull factors that cause people to join extremist groups and shares innovative ways to prevent and counter radicalization. Watch »

In a mind-bending talk that blurs the line between science and art, Tomás Saraceno shares his gorgeous, air-inspired sculptures and installations designed to usher in a new era: the "Aerocene." From giant, cloud-like playgrounds suspended 22 meters in the air to a balloon sculpture that travels the world without burning a single drop of fossil fuel, Saraceno's work invites us to explore. (In Spanish with English subtitles.) Watch »

When the astronauts saw Earth from space for the first time, it changed them forever. Benjamin Grant aims to provoke this same feeling of overwhelming scale and beauty in each of us ... through a series of stunning, perspective-shifting satellite images. Come fly with him. Watch »

Underneath every shiny new megacity, there's often a story of communities lost. In this moving, poetic talk, OluTimehin Adegbeye details how government land grabs are destroying the lives of thousands who live in the coastal communities of Lagos, Nigeria, to make way for a "new Dubai." As she says: "The only cities worth building, indeed the only futures worth dreaming of, are those that include all of us, no matter who we are or how we make homes for ourselves." Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Society: How can countries help refugees? Let them work »
Bold ideas that allow everyone to contribute at their best

We humans: 14 genius writing tips from Anne Lamott »
So many of us say we’ll start writing “as soon as”... here's how to start now

Tech: If you really want to remember a moment, don't take a photo »
The surprising reasons to keep your phone in your pocket

Quote of the Week

So what's the problem with being radically truthful and radically transparent with each other? Neuroscientists tell me it has to do with how our brains are prewired. There's a part of our brain that would like to know our mistakes and look at our weaknesses so we could do better. And then there's a part of our brain which views all of this as attacks. In other words, there are two you's inside you: there's an emotional you and there's an intellectual you, and often they're at odds."

Ray Dalio
How to build a company where the best ideas win


TEDWomen 2017: Join us November 1-3 in New Orleans

A place for building relationships over conversations that matter ... TEDWomen 2017 features three days of TED Talks, community dinners and activities in one of America's most beloved cities, New Orleans.

At this time of deep divides and rising challenges, we'll hear from bridge builders around the world—entrepreneurs, innovators, artists and storytellers, thought leaders from business and government—who'll engage with the issues of the moment and the deep truths that empower. Learn more about TEDWomen 2017 »


