2017年5月14日 星期日

The science behind our best and worst selves

How can humans be so good ... and so bad? Open in your browser
This week on TED.com
May 14, 2017

Robert Sapolsky: The biology of our best and worst selves

15:51 minutes · Filmed Apr 2017 · Posted May 2017 · TED2017

How can humans be so compassionate and altruistic -- and also so brutal and violent? Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky studies human actions, from our split-second decisions to our most ancient hard-wired behavior patterns. In this fascinating talk, he shares his cutting-edge research into the biology that drives our worst and best behaviors.

Playlist of the week

Seeing sound and hearing color

Keep your ears and eyes wide open to explore new ways you can interact with sound and color. Start playlist »

Total run time 46:23

This week's new TED Talks

Let's celebrate nurses! Carolyn Jones spent five years interviewing, photographing and filming nurses across America to gather these personal stories of unwavering dedication. It's a celebration of the everyday heroes who work at the front lines of health care. Watch »

One night in 2002, a friend gave singer Jorge Drexler a challenge: Write a new song in a complex poetic form known as the décima. In this fascinating talk, Drexler examines the blended nature of identity, weaving together the history of the décima with his own quest to write one. He closes the talk with a performance of his song, "La Milonga del Moro Judío." (In Spanish with English subtitles) Watch »

Oceanographer Kate Stafford lowers us into the sonically rich depths of the Arctic Ocean, where ice groans, whales sing to communicate over vast distances -- and climate change and human noise threaten to alter the environment in ways we don't yet understand. Learn more about our underwater soundscape and why it matters. Watch »

"I sell dreams, and I peddle love to millions of people," says Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood's biggest star. In this charming, funny talk, Khan traces the arc of his life, showcases a few of his famous dance moves and shares hard-earned wisdom from a life spent in the spotlight. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Environment: Sick of wasting food? Five smart ways to fight food waste
Imaginative ideas to use our food supply more wisely

Culture: What if the whole world could vote in each other's elections?
Unexpected results, to say the least ...

We humans: When you feel guilty, why do you want to wash your hands?
Surprising ways our brain mixes up the physical and metaphorical 

Gallery: Simple, gorgeous art made of balloons
Buoyant art that will take your breath away 

Quote of the Week

In some settings, pulling a trigger is an appalling act; in others, it's heroically self-sacrificial. In some settings, putting your hand on someone else's is deeply compassionate. In others, it's a deep betrayal. The challenge is to understand the biology of the context of our behaviors. Because every bit of behavior has multiple levels of causality."

Robert Sapolsky
The biology of our best and worst selves

ted radio hour: forgiveness

When loss, violence or betrayal test our willingness to forgive — how do we do it anyway? This hour, TED speakers explore the challenges and benefits of forgiving others and ourselves. Hear the latest TED Radio Hour »




