2016年9月3日 星期六

Bring on the female superheroes!

Why is it so hard to find female superhero toys? Open in your browser
This week on TED.com
September 3, 2016

Christopher Bell: Bring on the female superheroes!

15:48 minutes · Filmed Oct 2015 · Posted Aug 2016 · TEDxColoradoSprings

Why is it so hard to find female superhero merchandise? In this passionate, sparkling talk, media studies scholar (and father of a Star Wars-obsessed daughter) Christopher Bell addresses the alarming lack of female superheroes in the toys and products marketed to kids -- and what it means for how we teach them about the world.

Playlist of the week

Let’s get nerdy

Nerd out with these talks that prove you can use all-time classics like Harry Potter and Star Wars to help explain the real world. Watch »

10 TED Talks • Total run time 2:30:12

This week's TED Talks

Are you setting out to change the world? Here's a stat you should know: nonviolent campaigns are 100 percent more likely to succeed than violent ones. So why don't more groups use nonviolence when faced with conflict? Filmmaker Julia Bacha shares stories of effective nonviolent resistance, including eye-opening research on the crucial leadership role that women play. Watch »

"When you talk to strangers, you're making beautiful interruptions into the expected narrative of your daily life -- and theirs," says Kio Stark. In this delightful talk, Stark explores the overlooked benefits of pushing past our default discomfort when it comes to strangers and embracing those fleeting but profoundly beautiful moments of genuine connection. Watch »

Global problems such as terrorism, inequality and political dysfunction aren't easy to solve, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying. In fact, suggests journalist Jonathan Tepperman, we might even want to think riskier. He traveled the world to ask global leaders how they're tackling hard problems -- and unearthed surprisingly hopeful stories that he's distilled into three tools for problem-solving. Watch »

It happens to all of us: you unsubscribe from a marketing email, and a few days later another message from the same company pops up in your inbox. Comedian James Veitch turned this frustration into whimsy when a local supermarket refused to take no for an answer. Hijinks ensued. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

Inventing: How to solve problems, from an inventor with 200+ patents
"Don’t be afraid to think big. Really big."

Science: The problem with fMRI brain scans
A new study asks us to look again ... at thousands of results

Design: Gorgeous buildings with African roots
A gallery of work by architect Diébédo Francis Kéré


Quote of the Week

I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient, that I cried. I wondered, 'How am I going to take this group, in nine months, from where they are to where they need to be?' And it was difficult, it was awfully hard. How do I raise the self-esteem of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?

One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, 'You were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students. They put us all together so we could show everybody else how to do it.'"

Rita Pierson
Every child needs a champion

TEDWOMEN 2016, in san francisco

Join us for the TEDWomen 2016 conference in San Francisco, October 26–28, where we'll explore how time and attention shape our lives, in a three-day program with speakers from the worlds of science, politics, psychology, the arts and more.

Learn more about attending TEDWomen 2016 »



