2015年7月18日 星期六

What enduring love looks like

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This week on TED.com
July 18, 2015

Alec Soth + Stacey Baker: This is what enduring love looks like

10:18 minutes · Filmed Mar 2015 · Posted Jul 2015 · TED2015

Don't you love hearing how two people met? So does Stacey Baker, who's a photo editor in New York. She asked photographer Alec Soth to go with her to Las Vegas, to the world’s largest speed-dating event (held on Valentine’s Day, of course) -- and then to the largest retirement community in Nevada. Between these two extremes, they unwound a beautiful story: how a couple goes from meeting to creating a life together. (This talk was part of a TED2015 session curated by Pop-Up Magazine)

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Quote of the Week

By the time we met Joe and Roseanne, we'd gotten in the habit of asking couples if they had an old wedding photograph. In their case, they simultaneously pulled out of their wallets the exact same photograph. What's more beautiful, I thought to myself, this image of a young couple who has just fallen in love or the idea of these two people holding onto this image for decades? "

Stacey Baker and Alec Soth Stacey Baker and Alec Soth
This is what enduring love looks like

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