2015年6月6日 星期六

The single biggest reason why startups succeed

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June 6, 2015

Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed

06:40 minutes · Filmed Mar 2015 · Posted Jun 2015 · TED2015

Bill Gross has founded a lot of startups, and incubated many others -- and he got curious about why some succeeded and others failed. So he gathered data from hundreds of companies, his own and other people's, and ranked each company on five key factors. He found one factor that stands out from the others -- and surprised even him.

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6 TED Talks • Total run time 1:09:17

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Quote of the Week

I believe that the startup is one of the greatest ways to make the world a better place. If you take a group of people with the right incentives and organize them in a startup, you can unlock human potential in a way never before possible. You get them to achieve unbelievable things."

Bill Gross Bill Gross
The single biggest reason why startups succeed

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