2019年2月24日 星期日

Chia-Ching, your recommendation for Feb 25th is...

Check out your latest talk recommendation from TED Recommends.
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Hi Chia-Ching,
Here's an idea we think you'll appreciate. Could a Saturn moon harbor life? by Carolyn Porco was recommended by Rachel Fleming:
Interesting talk! I cannot wait for the day we discover life on another planet. The question today does not seem to be if there is life, but when and where we will find it. How could there not be life anywhere else? It's a mind-boggling thought.
Rachel Fleming
This idea has been viewed 992,834 times, and translated into 39 languages.
It was recommended to you because of your interest in Science and Technology. (Pro tip: you can adjust your interests any time you like, or see all your past recommendations in your dashboard.)
Let's go!
Hey! Here's a TEDx Event you might be interested in:
March 9, 2019
Nowhere near Taipei? Update your location.
What did you think?
An idea from TED by Dare to disagree
We'd love to know what you thought about Dare to disagree.

Parting thought
“The beauty of music has the ability to speak where words fail.”
Robert Gupta, Violinist, from Robert Gupta: Between music and medicine
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2019年2月23日 星期六

"Dignity should not just be about having a job."

What motivates us -- when technology changes everything? Read online
This week on TED.com
February 23, 2019

Roy Bahat and Bryn Freedman: What is the meaning of work?

10:58 minutes · Filmed Nov 2018 · Posted Feb 2019 · TED Salon Zebra Technologies

Roy Bahat was worried. His company invests in new technology like AI to make businesses more efficient -- but, he wondered, what was AI doing to the people whose jobs might change, go away or become less fulfilling? The question sent him on a two-year research odyssey to discover what motivates people, and why we work. In this conversation with curator Bryn Freedman, he shares what he learned, including some surprising insights that will shape the conversation about the future of our jobs.

Playlist of the week

Why it's sometimes good to be bored

Being bored can lead to new possibilities, better ideas and even an extra shot of creativity. Learn how in these 4 quite interesting talks. Watch »

4 TED Talks • Total run time 41:49

This week's new TED Talks

In the US, the very same blood test can cost $19 at one clinic and $522 at another clinic just blocks away -- and nobody knows the difference until they get a bill weeks later. Journalist Jeanne Pinder says it doesn't have to be this way. She's built a platform that crowdsources the true costs of medical procedures and makes the data public. Learn more... Watch »

When one of Liz Kleinrock's fourth-grade students said the unthinkable at the start of a class on race, she knew it was far too important a teachable moment to miss. But where to start? Learn how Kleinrock teaches kids to discuss taboo topics without fear -- because the best way to start solving social problems is to talk about them. Watch »

There's no greater freedom than finding your purpose, says Ashweetha Shetty. Born to a poor family in rural India, she didn't let low expectations silence her dreams. In this personal talk, she shares how she found self-worth through education. "All of us are born into a reality that we blindly accept -- until something awakens us and a new world opens up," Shetty says. Watch »

"Sí, se puede!" -- "Yes, we can!" It's the rallying cry Dolores Huerta came up with as a young activist in the 1970s, and she's lived by it in her tireless pursuit of civil rights ever since. With her signature wit and humor, Huerta reflects on her life's work, offering inspiration for anybody trying to overcome apathy, get involved and find their own power. Watch »

Read more on ideas.ted.com

The surprising power of not quite winning. Yes, sometimes you're the runner-up. But it can work for you. Read more »

How to declutter your mind. If your brain is a heaving mess of work and life to-dos, find some focus with these straightforward steps. Read more »

Screen time can also be family time. Here’s how one parent uses video games to teach valuable lessons and build togetherness. Read more »

FROM the comments ... 

My view is that dignity has a minimum condition: a person must have enough income to pay for necessities (housing, nutrition, education, transportation, healthcare, childcare and taxes) plus a little extra to pay for some desires. To me that means a minimum livable wage plus 25%. This is what I call a minimum dignified income. I am sure that there is more to dignity than income. But without a minimum dignified income, there is no dignity.”

Commenter: Fred Meyer
Talk: Roy Bahat
What is the meaning of work?

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2019年2月17日 星期日

Chia-Ching, your recommendation for Feb 18th is...

Most people instinctively avoid conflict, but as Margaret Heffernan shows us, good disagreement is central to progress. She illustrates (sometimes counterintuitively) how the best partners aren't echo chambers -- and how great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.
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Hi Chia-Ching,
Here's an idea we think you'll appreciate. Dare to disagree by Margaret Heffernan was recommended by Sheelagh Kennedy:
This talk shows how when we avoid conflict, we risk stifling our passion. Our modern workplaces too often brand confrontations between different perspectives as antagonism, and that's not always true. Organizations should embrace open debate and controlled, healthy conflict
Sheelagh Kennedy
This idea has been viewed 3,622,937 times, and translated into 34 languages.
It was recommended to you because of your interest in Business. (Pro tip: you can adjust your interests any time you like, or see all your past recommendations in your dashboard.)
Let's go!
Hey! Here's a TEDx Event you might be interested in:
March 2, 2019
Nowhere near Taipei? Update your location.
What did you think?
An idea from TED by Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
We'd love to know what you thought about Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.

Parting thought
“Because women don't look like men, they don't look like that male-pattern heart disease that we've spent the last 50 years understanding … they're not recognized for their heart disease.”
Questions? Hit reply and we'll be in touch.

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TED Conferences LLC
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